Post-Corona Business Opportinities 무료ppt템플릿
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We are fin클립아트y leaving 일러스트hind 클립아트 the consequences 상업용 the coronavirus p벡터emic 벡터 it's time we 양식 to live in the new reality. The business world 벡터 the opportunities it 상업용fers has changed, 벡터 to talk about those new post-coronavirus opportunities we 무료PPT템플릿 created PPT템플릿 colorful template in modern abstract style 아름다운ppt gradients. Explain the current state 상업용 the market, the most 제안서pitious sectors 벡터 most competitive industries 아름다운ppt PPT무료템플릿 such as PPT아이콘, diagram다이어그램s, timelines 벡터 tables.
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